What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a fairly common condition that makes someone feel like they have an unstable or unbalanced equilibrium.  When people are doing something like running, jumping, tilting their head, or looking at something behind them, they should not lose their balance or stability.  Unfortunately, someone suffering from Vertigo will experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms while performing these everyday activities.  Sometimes these symptoms can be extremely severe and can lead to serious injuries.  The most common complaint is extreme dizziness, which greatly increases the risk of falling.  Symptoms can be brief, come and go, or last for days.  People over the age of 65 are at a higher risk for falling, which can cause major injuries.

vertigo fall John Goetze Physical therapyWhat are the Common Symptoms of Vertigo?

Lightheadedness and/or dizziness

Hearing problems or hearing loss

Nausea and/or vomiting

Irregular eye movement

Unsteady vision

Motion sickness


The sensation of spinning

How is Vertigo Treated with Physical Therapy?

Fortunately, physical therapy is the most successful treatment for this condition.  The experts at John Goetze Physical Therapy will first determine the cause of Vertigo.  This is the first and most important step, as the cause will determine the exact treatment plan.  Vertigo can stem from a head injury, alcohol abuse, medications, issues with the brain, problems with the central nervous system, or inner ear irregularities.  Common treatment plans include a custom-made exercise plan, gaze stabilization,  prescribed and specialized movement, and balance training. The good news is that the majority of patients at John Goetze PT find complete relief from Vertigo with the appropriate treatment plan.  Whether it’s  you, or someone you love, don’t take the risk of living with this condition.  It is treatable and the experts at JGPT will help you on the road to a quick recovery.

Call the office today to set up an appointment.