What to Expect During Your First Physical Therapy Visit

Your initial evaluation will include a thorough review of your medical history and a discussion of your current complaints and concerns. The physical therapist will then select appropriate tests and measures to perform in order to further evaluate your condition. An individualized treatment program will be created according to the therapist’s findings.

Treatment may or may not begin during your initial visit, dependent upon your level of pain and reactivity. We will provide time for you to ask questions concerning your condition and your prognosis. For a complete and thorough evaluation, please dress appropriately so that the affected area can be examined.

What to Expect Between the First and Second Sessions

After your initial evaluation, you should become more aware of what makes your condition better or worse and be able to avoid activities that aggravate your condition. You may experience additional soreness or discomfort after your initial visit. This initial soreness is not unusual. Remember that in order to gain valuable information during your evaluation, you may have been asked to move in ways that you have been avoiding or moved in directions that provoked pain.

However, if you experience excessive soreness or pain, the therapist should be contacted immediately. By utilizing your consistent feedback, the physical therapist can continue to adjust your treatments to maximize your recovery.

What is Expected of the Patient

As the patient, you are expected to participate fully in your treatment in order to enhance function and speed your healing process. You can do this by attending your treatments regularly, adhering to your home exercise program, having a healthy diet, and getting sufficient rest and sleep. Open communication with your physical therapist is also a vital part of the process of returning to your previous level of function and activity.