Myofascial Tissues

Myofascial tissues wrap around and protect the muscles in the human body. These tissues can become sensitive and tight, which can lead to Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The stiffness of the tissues reduces motion or causes the body to be out of alignment. The contraction of the tissue prevents proper blood flow, thus stressing the muscle. If you have unexplained muscle pain, a sense of pressure on the joints, or chronic headaches, it is important to have one of the therapists at John Goetze Physical Therapy do an evaluation to determine whether or not your myofascial tissues Myofascial Release Physical Therapyare functioning properly.

What Causes Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
There are a variety of reasons for this syndrome such as loss of flexibility following an injury or ongoing pain in one part of the body such as the back. It can also stem from an underlying condition such as TMJ, fibromyalgia, migraines, or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Therapy for Myofascial Tissues

The end goal of this treatment is to stretch and relax the fascia to gain normal, pain-free, motion in the body. During this treatment, the physical therapist will determine where the stiff/restricted tissues are located and gently release them with a variety of highly effective manual techniques. Additionally, they will measure the severity of the loss of motion or loss of equilibrium in the body. Specific releases are performed on the parts of the body, which includes pressure or stretching to the affected area. Patients progress through the treatment with increased motion and decreased pain. Further forms of care that coincide with this treatment include heating and cooling the area, self-stretching exercises, and specific workouts that increase blood flow.

John Goetze Physical Therapist offer high-quality care in treatment of myofascial tissues. Call today to book your appointment!