Herniated Disc

disc herniation John Goetze PT

A disc herniation is one of the most common causes of back pain.  Patients are often confused as to what this diagnosis actually means as it relates to their spine health.  Think of a jelly doughnut that has been squeezed a little too hard and the jelly begins to ooze out of the hole. This is similar to a disc herniation. Each disc in your spine has a nucleus, which has a similar consistency to jelly.  The nucleus is surrounded by a tough exterior called the annulus.  A herniation occurs when the nucleus is forced through a tear in the annulus. Sometimes this diagnosis is referred to as a ruptured disc or a slipped disc.

Some of the common reasons a disc may herniate are:

  • Falling
  • Sporting injury
  • Car accident
  • Degeneration from aging
  • Poor health
  • Overtwisting the spine
  • Spinal deformities

Disc Herniation and Pain Relief

When the herniated disc presses on the nerves that run down your arms and legs, it can cause extreme and sometimes unbearable pain.  If you have been diagnosed with a herniated disc and are experiencing pain, or if you recently had surgery for a herniated disc, the experts at John Goetze Physical Therapy can help you return to your normal lifestyle and activities.   They design an individualized treatment plan that may include the following:

disc herniation JGPT

  • Exercise routines
  • Proper stretching
  • Training on proper posture
  • Appropriate lifting techniques
  • Advanced manual therapy
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Cervical Traction

Don’t live with the pain from a disc herniation!  The team at John Goetze PT is passionate about restoring each patient’s health and pain-free lifestyle.  They develop relationships with their patients and truly take the time to put the perfect plan in place for the best recovery possible.

Click to read more about disc herniation and the benefits of physical therapy.