Disc Herniation and Pain Relief
Herniated Disc A disc herniation is one of the most common causes of back pain. Patients are often confused as to what this diagnosis actually means as it relates to their [...]
What Keeps Your Spine Healthy?
Physical Therapy Combined with Proper Nutrition for Spine Health The experts at John Goetze Physical Therapy are passionate about educating their patients on the overall health of the spine. It [...]
Functional Capacity Evaluation
Functional Capacity Evaluation at John Goetze Physical Therapy After an injury, it is important to know if your body is ready for the level of work that your job will [...]
Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain
Lower Back During Pregnancy “Oh the joys of pregnancy!” This funny phrase with a hint of sarcasm has been (and will be) used by woman throughout the decades. While pregnancy [...]
Physical Therapy for Balance and Vestibular Rehabilitation
What is Vestibular Rehabilitation? This type of rehabilitation treats a variety of symptoms stemming from inner ear problems (the vestibular system). This disorder is one of the leading causes of [...]
Spinal Rehabilitation at John Goetze Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy- Spinal Rehabilitation After a spinal injury, physical therapists focus on the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems. Rather than just focusing on the spine itself, physical therapy is aimed at [...]